About us
"SSG Industries" LLP has been operating in the Western Region and throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2009.
Our services include: topographic, geodetic and geographical works.
10 years of practice and participation in various projects of RoK western region allows us to collect unique experience.
Our Company has a modern, technological and innovative base for performing
the most difficult tasks.
Programs, license
We only use license programs, which allows providing better services.
Address of our company: RoK, Aktobe city, Abilkhaiyr-Khan Avenue, 70/31

New technologies - new opportunities!
Innovation is our main driving force.

Professionalism obliges us to perform our work in such a way that on the screen of your computer feel our concern, that work with us brings satisfaction to the Customer. Participation in different projects allows us to collect unique experiences that make us the best in our segment. Our methods make it possible to conduct research in the most efficient way, making it possible to reduce the estimated cost up to 30% due to the introduction of the latest technologies.